RACK'ed cards from tsjphotography

Troy and I are doing a different version of an advent calendar this year.  We will be writing down and adding at least one RACK to our tree each day as we count down to Christmas.

RACKRandom Acts of Christmas Kindness

“God doesn’t give you the people you want; He gives you the people you NEED…to help you, to hurt you, to leave you, to love you, and to make you into the person you were meant to be.”

We will start each morning with a prayer that God will lead us to the people that most need to receive a Random Act of Kindness that day.  We hope that our RACK’s will be met with open arms, but people may be not always be appreciative of what we are offering.  We trust that God will lead us to the right people, even if we do not see why we are being led there.  We are not always aware of the impact we leave on people, but as we open our hearts and our minds to the needs of others we hope to make a difference to someone.

Will you join us?  Each day I will write a short post, a few sentences, and then list some ideas for  RACK’s you could do as you go about your day.  Some may have a cost associated with them, but I promise to list as many free/low cost RACK’s as I can come up with.  After you perform a RACK of your own I hope you will share it with me.  You can post it as a comment on this blog (even anonymously if you wish), leave me a facebook message, or send me an email.  As new ideas come in I will share them so that we can continue to inspire each other.

This would be a great time to sign up to have this blog delivered to your email every morning.  There is a space on the right side of this blog to enter your email address and subscribe.  Please note that you will need to open the email and confirm your subscription, so be on the look out!

You don’t need to do a RACK a day to make a difference.  Whether you do one, or 25 RACK’s this holiday season you will be making a positive impact on this world.  

“Let no one come to you without feeling better and happier when they leave.  Be the living expression of God’s kindness; with kindness on your face…in your eyes…in your smile…in your warm greeting.” – Mother Teresa

* I first learned about RACK’s from Tracie at tsjphotography.  She has generously designed and provided a free template for RACK cards you can hand out if you wish.  Click here for her free download.  Troy and I will be handing these out over the next month, and using them to post our RACK’s on the tree at home as our own way of counting down the 25 days of Christmas.  Instead of emptying an advent calendar we will be filling our tree with the RACK's we give during the month.    Click here for a blank version if you want to create your own, or fill them in at the end of each day like we are doing.  Thank you Tracie!
